Friday 23 April 2010

Friday Floral Fix - Yumi Britte dress

We just got the Yumi Britte dress in this week, and I rushed to add all three colours to the website in time for Friday Floral Fix (I know how people have grown dependent on their weekly hit of flower-based fun).

Britte is a lovely dress with a classic rose print, and a waistband which ties in a big bow at the back.  Do you remember that favourite summer dress you had as a child (back in the days when your mum still dressed you)?  This is that dress, reincarnated.  It's available in grey, blue and pink, and currently we're the only shop online selling the blue and pink:

Which is your favourite?  Mine's the blue.  I'd happily have all three though, if you're offering!

Until next time,


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