Oh. My goodness. Remember yesterday how I was telling anyone who'd listen that the beautiful ladies at Domestic Sluttery had chosen a dress from humble little Aspire Style to be part of their amazing 12 days of Christmas competition bonanza? Those of you who entered the competition to win our lovely Fever Escala dress may have read in that particular Domestic Sluttery post that:
"Don't worry if you don't win, as take it from us, we have the MOTHER of all competitions coming up tomorrow!"
And were they ever right. The competition bonanza has officially turned into an EXTRAVAGANZA with the announcement today that you now have the opportunity to win ALL of the 12 days of Christmas prizes, including the Escala dress! Clearly someone's cracked open the sherry a bit early, but who am I to judge? Have a peek at the lovely array of goodies on offer:

This time to enter, get yourselves over to the competition and inform the Domestic Sluts how you intend to spend the forthcoming festive period. I would attempt to enter myself, but I am slightly grinchy and wouldn't want to ruin the chances of those who do genuinely love Christmas (although I am a particular fan of that pink Paris print from Bodie and Fou and the so-cute-it-makes-me-make-strange-baby-noises Bunny Vase from Hannah Zakari).
I don't know why you're still reading this when you could be winning prizes! Go! Be gone! Make sure you enter by midday tomorrow (the 17th) and don't be spammy - you can only enter once (plus one retweet and one entry for blogging about it).
Until next time,